Thursday, January 27, 2011


We had a few flakes falling from the sky at dusk and in my attempt to get a shot of them, I got this. 

Icicles remind me of making ice cream with my kids on the farm when they were growing up.  We had two Guernsey cows and much too much milk and cream.  Sadly sometimes I dumped it down the sink.  After gaining 20 pounds, I definitely skimmed the cream.  I made butter in the summer and ice cream in the winter.  The kids would knock the icicles off the chicken coop and we would use them in the ice cream maker; yes we had an ice cream maker that we borrowed from my mother-in-law.  

Were times really simpler then or do they just seem so now? 

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today I sewed my honey a long overdue new dress.  He wore the last one every day for 40 years.  He was down to thread on his shoulders.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Simple Things...

Its January, cold season, flu season and there is nothing like a big ole bar of soap to make you feel safe.  Laurie and Steve bought this wonderful lemon scented soap for me for Christmas and boy am I ever enjoying it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Provincetown Art Gallery...

My grandson, Tommy, had his art displayed in an art show in Provincetown tonight.  We enjoyed a pot luck supper before the show.

This is his pencil drawing of a collage he made.

And this is the collage:

Can you pick out the pictures he drew from this collage?

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I was sitting at my computer doing email when what to my wandering eyes should appear?  A cute little deer.

I wandered into the bathroom and low and behold, three more.  We see more deer on Cape Cod than we do in Windham VT!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Beach Grass...

I hope the Pilgrams don't land here this week.  The wind has whipped the grasses and flattened them.  Even the snow has ripples.  I like walking on the frozen sand, though, it is much easier for me to navigate.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This could be...

Another day in paradise, or...

The calm before the storm, or...

Typical winter day on Cape Cod bay.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We've had some sea snow the last couple of days.  But this snow came out of the sky.

There are no footprints on the beach today.  What a beautiful day it is.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big D...

Rest in peace Dallas PuppyBoy Palmer.  You were the cutest, most loving dog ever born and all of your family will miss you terribly.  Your mom bought you in a pet shop on a credit card.  Oh my!  Lucky you, lucky us.  We had 14 good years together, its never enough.  You would sit on your dad's lap and growl when he said your name.  What? You didn't like your name?  And balance a dog bone on your nose until he said it was okay for you to eat it.  Such patience you had with your silly parents.

Then one day, along came Ailee.  Your mom brought her in the house and sat her on the floor in her car seat, you walked over to her for a sniff and she moved.  You jumped straight up in the air from surprise.  From that day on you had a playmate.  You slept under her crib and leaned over her bassinett just to make sure things were okay.  

You visited us often, Papa and I, both on the Cape and in Vermont staying as long as a month while your mom took care of her dad before he died.  Such pleasure you brought everyone who knew you.  I laughed till I cried at your antics.  And I am crying today.

I love you Dallas, run through the clouds and pee on every bush.


Saturday, January 8, 2011


I know, slight exaggeration.  My honey brought home flowers this morning for his pretty bride, me.  I hope they make you feel as much like spring as I did when I inhaled their wonderful aroma.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!

2011 arrived today with sunshine, warm temperatures and sun slanting though the trees.  The snow was melting so Tommy saw an opportunity to climb on the roof and tighten some screws that had come loose.  The snow slid off the roof yesterday afternoon landing with a thump.  Hopefully there will be no more dripping in the bucket in the attic.  Life on a 200 year old farm has its challenges.